PO Box 52
Amherst Junction, WI 54407
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Hachi - TX's Web Page

Belgian Shepherd Malinois  : :  Female (spayed)

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Coordinator - Roxanne Sandt

About Hachi - TX

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $425.00
  • Species: Dog
  • Current Age: 4 Years 9 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Housetrained: Yes
  • Obedience Training Needed: Has Basic Training
  • Exercise Needs: High
  • Owner Experience Needed: Breed

Welcome Hachi to ABMR, her family is surrendering her because they are loosing their home and having to move to an apartment.

She is wonderful with our grandkids but plays rough so better with older

She does not show dominance over her food or toys but DOES display dominance with a low growl over socks, towels or anything that she knows she is not supposed to have.  (SO weird)

She is spayed and up to date on shots and takes her advantage once a month. 

She is perimeter trained in our yard and leash trained.  She will walk without a leash and stay on your right side but tends to want to lead and is constantly looking for a chance (excuse) to make a break. 
She will sit by her bowl when you place her food in it and will not touch it until you give her the command to "get it”.

She knows the following Commands:

  • Come (she comes and sits on our right side)
  • Sit
  • Stay
  • Out (Drop the toy)
  • Leave it (dont pick it up)
  • Down (Lay down)
  • Stop (She stops running and turns around)
  • Free (Means she is allowed to go from heel to free run)
  • Hurry up (command given for her to pee) 
  • Load up (get in the truck)
  • Bye Bye (This gets her very excited)

She does resist discipline (OCCASIONALLY) as she will growl when we go to take whatever it is that she has gotten such as socks, kitchen towels or paper.  When you take it, occasionally she will try and bite you.  At this time, we do pin her down until she submits,,,,which can take a LONG LONG time.  Once she submits and we release her, she is back to her happy self.  Hachi plays extremely rough, and can easily be mistaken for aggression.  She does not care for anyone to get over on her.  She has a very soft bite when we play with her but we have to tell her to “Play Bite” or “No bite” when she gets a hold of our feet or hands on occasion.

Hachi needs to be in a one dog home or in a home where there is clearly the alpha.   She is house trained, crate trained, car trained. She needs an experienced home. Sounds like she like to take the upper hand sometimes!

More about Hachi - TX

Good with Kids, Does Good in the Car, Requires a yard, Leashtrained, Cratetrained

ABMR thanks you for taking the time to look at our malinois available for adoption. 

Other Pictures of Hachi - TX (click to see larger version):

Hachi - TX